DAY2Thursday, November 14
Please click each presentation title to see the abstract.
- Session 5: Novel Therapeutics for Cancer
- Chair: Silvio Gutkind, University of California San Diego
- 9:00-9:40
- Targeting cancer stemness
Thomas Kipps (University of California San Diego)
- 9:40-10:20
- Chemical induction of splice-neoantigens enhances anti-tumor immunity and immunotherapy response
Masatoshi Hagiwara (Kyoto University)
- 10:20-11:00
- Monocyte fate during conformal radiotherapy controls therapeutic outcome
Juliana Idoyaga (University of California San Diego)
- 11:00-11:15
- Break
- Session 6: Immunotherapy for CNS, Head and Neck Cancers
- Chair: Masatoshi Hagiwara,
Kyoto University
- 11:15-11:55
- Development of immunotherapy strategies for brain tumors
Hideho Okada (University of California San Francisco)
- 11:55-12:35
- Novel immunotherapy targets: the druggable immune GPCRome and new immune-evasive cancer drivers
Silvio Gutkind (University of California San Diego)
- 12:35-13:45
- Break
- Session 7: Inflammation, Metabolism and Tumor Immunity
- Chair: Thiago Carvalho
- 13:45-14:25
- The dual role of inflammation in cancer immunity
Santiago Zelenay (Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute)
- 14:25-15:05
- Germline genetics, host immunity and the microenvironment in cancer progression and immunotherapy response
Cristina Curtis (Stanford University)
- 15:05-15:25
Short talk - Past history of high-fat diet causes persistent susceptibility to ferroptosis in CD8 T cells
Masaki Tajima (CCII, Kyoto University)
- 15:25-15:45
Short talk - Organic osmolyte-mediated adaptations critical for immune homeostasis and T-cell mediated anti-tumor responses
Baihao Zhang (RIKEN)
- 15:45-16:00
- Break
- Session 8: CD8 T Cells Biology
- Chair: Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto, University of Tsukuba
- 16:00-16:40
- Functional diversity of memory CD8 T cells is spatiotemporally imprinted
Ananda Goldrath (Allen Institute for Immunology)
- 16:40-17:20
- Functional genomics and systems Immunology in mapping the metabolic basis of cancer immunity
Hongbo Chi (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital)
- 17:45-18:30
- Poster Session